Global Options

These options may be used with any command, and may appear in front of any command. (e.g. brz --profile help).


Print the version number. Must be supplied before the command.


Do not process command aliases when running this command.


Use the built-in version of a command, not the plugin version. This does not suppress other plugin effects.


Do not process any plugins.


Do not translate messages.


Number of processes that can be run concurrently (selftest).


Profile execution using the hotshot profiler.


Profile execution using the lsprof profiler.


Profile execution using the lsprof profiler, and write the results to a specified file. If the filename ends with “.txt”, text format will be used. If the filename either starts with “callgrind.out” or end with “.callgrind”, the output will be formatted for use with KCacheGrind. Otherwise, the output will be a pickle.


Generate line coverage report in the specified directory.

-Oname=value Override the name config option setting it to value for

the duration of the command. This can be used multiple times if several options need to be overridden.

See for more information on profiling.

A number of debug flags are also available to assist troubleshooting and development. See Debug Flags.